Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Extra Credits

1)The first extra credit I donated 1000 grains of rice. It was fun and helpful to learn new words. Others should do this activity because it helps one with vocabulary. It is a good way to learn new words.

2)The second extra credit I did was the six word memoir. I really did not learn anything from this extra credit. Others should do it because it is really easy and interesting to see what words you use to describe your life.

3)The third extra credit I was to go to npr.org and listened to a story on StoryCorps. The story I listened to was "Sept. 11 Took Boy's Grandfather, Friend". The story was about a boy who's grandfather worked in the World Trade Center and did not come home from work on 9/11. The boy greatly loved his grandfather and was also a friend. The story was really touching. Others should do this activity because it is always helpful to read some news and articles.

4)The fourth extra credit I did was to go to the web of language and read something that interests me. I read "Correcting other people's English illegal -- Comma Bombers guilty on federal conspiracy charges". It was about these two guys who went and corrected a sign at the Grand Canyon and got in trouble. This was really more interesting than anything. I suppose I learned not to correct signs. Other people should go to this site because it is interesting to read some of the articles.

5. The fifth extra credit I did was to watch the two videos on youtube.com. The first video was "Rhetoric for Kids", and it was quite entertaining. The purpose of this video was to teach kids rhetoric they already know, but to better use it. The second video was "Ethos, Pathos, Logos in film". It showed ethos, pathos, and logos in films such as Men in Black, The Breakfast Club, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Monsters, Inc. It was interesting to see ethos, pathos, and logos used in each movie. Other people should go to these videos because they are interesting and fun.

6. A random act of kindness that I did was to hold a door open for an old lady who was leaving the store with groceries. I would do this all the time, but it is still an act of kindness. I enjoy being nice to other people. Other people should do acts of kindness because the world would be a better place.

7. Three links for my project two topic are:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaHXA1LLB_I
There are many videos on factory farming and vegetarianism and veganism. Going to youtube is a great opportunity to see first hand the issue of your paper.

8. I wrote an email to Peter Singer, the author of Animal Liberation.

"Kristy L. Roseberry"
Thank you
Show All Headers
Dear Mr. Singer,I just wanted to let you know that your book Animal Liberation is very influential and inspiring. Thank you for writing such a great piece of work. Take care.

9. The picture at the top of this post is just me being me. I represent Vogler's hero because as Vogler states everyone who has ever overcome something even inner is a hero. Therefore, I have overcome many things and I represent the definition of Vogler's hero.
10. At first I was not going to vote because I am not ALL for McCain or Obama, but then I decided I would. I work at the courthouse and they had early voting in the government center and so I thought I could go yesterday after work, but didn't know that early voting was over so did not. Then I was going to go vote today after work, but really did not feel well and was exhausted. Thus, I did not vote.

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